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- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
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Occasions & Holidays
Sometimes it feels like those special occasions can sneak up on you (just one of the reasons we do same day delivery!) To help you keep track here’s our guide to some of the biggest celebration days of the year.
National celebrations and holidays
There’s a celebration day for everything now (we’re looking at you World Nutella Day and National Eat a Red Apple Day) and holidays can change depending on which country you’re in, so this list doesn’t include absolutely everything but it should help you plan for the biggest occasions.
January & February
March & April
May & June
July & August
September & October
November & December
Other occasions
Whether it’s a big birthday or a small one, a new arrival or the celebration of lifelong love, we’ll help you celebrate those special people in your life.