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About Interflora delivery passes
We do two kinds of delivery pass at Interflora – Gold and Platinum. Both will save you money on your deliveries (in fact if you’ve bought a Gold pass you only need to send two bouquets a year to start saving!) And once you buy one, you can use it right away.
Interflora delivery costs
How a delivery pass works
Choose your pass
Add it to your basket
It’ll save to your account, so you’ll automatically get a discount on delivery for all your orders for the next year.

Interflora Gold Pass – £12

Interflora Platinum Pass – £22
Delivery pass details + FAQs
Renewing your delivery pass
When there’s a month left on your pass you’ll see the option to renew it. Just add the pass to your basket the next time you buy blooms and you’ll be sorted.
Is there a minimum spend?
No! You can use your pass on anything you’d normally pay delivery for.
Can I cancel my delivery pass?
You can if it’s within 7 days of buying it and you haven’t used it. You can find all the T&Cs here.
My pass isn’t working, help!
It might because you’re not logged in, you need to be logged into your account for your delivery pass to work. Check whether you are logged in by clicking here. When you’re logged in you should also be able to check when your delivery pass expires.
Still having trouble? Get in touch with our lovely customer care team.
Can I change my type of pass?
No, you’ll have to wait until the year is up to change your pass. We’re looking into ways to improve this.