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55 unique love messages for him or her

Need inspiration? Here are some of the best "I love you" messages.

Knowing what love message to write on a card to your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or fiance can be quite difficult - you want to make sure you get across just how much they mean to you without being too cheesy.

We understand; which is why we've created a list of suggestions that will match most situations. If you're looking for love messages for him, for her, short love messages or funny love messages, read on because you'll find everything you need below. There's also some handy tips on how to write your own love message if you feel inspired to have a go yourself.

Love messages for her


You are the love of my life - always have been, always will be. - Anonymous -


I would press pause on Fifa for you. - Anonymous -


I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. - Leo Christopher -

I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. - Anonymous -

I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you. - Anonymous -

You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement. - F. Scott Fitzgerald -

I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer. - Anonymous -

You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning. - Anonymous -

All of me loves all of you. - John Legend, All of Me -

Love messages for him


Thank you for always being my rainbow after the storm. - Anonymous -


You are my paradise and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime. - Anonymous -


I can't stop thinking about you, today... tomorrow... always. - Anonymous -

I'd give you my last Rolo. - Anonymous -

If I know what love is, it is because of you. - Hermann Hesse -

I'm much more me when I'm with you. - Anonymous -

Because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you. - Anonymous -

Tell the world that we finally got it all right I choose you I will become yours and you will become mine I choose you We are not perfect We'll learn from our mistakes And as long as it takes I will prove my love to you. - Sara Bareilles -

When you realise you want to start the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. - When Harry Met Sally -

Short love messages


I love you every step of the way. - Anonymous -


Together with you is my favorite place to be. - Anonymous -


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world. - Bill Wilson -

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle -

Love means nothing in tennis, but it’s everything in life. - Anonymous -

True love stories never have endings. - Richard Bach -

I've fallen in love many times… always with you. - Anonymous -

A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short. - Andre Marois -

I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. - Paulo Coelho -

Funny love messages


You’re lucky to have me. - Anonymous -


I ogled you. Sorry. - Stranger Than Fiction (2006) -


I'd let you see my browser history! - Anonymous -

You give me premature ventricular contractions. You make my heart skip a beat. - No Strings Attached (2011) -

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? - Anonymous -

Roses are red, violets are blue, Ryan Gosling is married, so I'll settle for you. - Anonymous -

Meh...you’ll do! - Anonymous -

Let's hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. - Austin Powers -

There's no one else I'd rather lay in bed and look at my phone next to. - Anonymous -

Love messages inspired by movies


You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jake, and I want you to be the last. - Sweet Home Alabama -


Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. - My Best Friend's Wedding -


Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away. - Hitch -

Take me to bed or lose me forever. - Top Gun -

You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how. - Gone With the Wind -

To me, you are perfect. - Love Actually -

Don’t forget, I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. - Notting Hill -

You make me want to be a better man. - As Good As It Gets -

They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. - Big Fish -

Love messages inspired by books


Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. - Hamlet -


If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie The Pooh -


I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life. - Atonement -

I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. - Lord of The Rings -

To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life. - Les Misérables -

I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough. - The Notebook -

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. - Wuthering Heights -

In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. - Pride And Prejudice -

You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought. - The White Company -

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. - Pride And Prejudice -

Tips on writing your own love messages

After reading through our love quotes from books, films and anonymous writers, do you feel inspired to put pen to paper? If you do, here are some tips to help you unleash your inner Shakespeare and tell your loved one exactly how you feel:

1. To begin - what do you call your partner? Do you have any special pet names, or maybe you go for 'darling', 'sweetheart' etc. Some beginnings may look like this:

  • To my darling...
  • Dearest love muffin...
  • Sweetest [Name]...
  • To my super husband / wife / fiance...

2. Why are you writing? Is it a special day? Or are you sending a love message to simply tell someone how much they mean to you? Whichever it is, make sure you tell them:

  • Happy Valentine's Day!
  • I just wanted to tell you that...
  • Thank you for...

3. Why is your partner so brilliant? Now is the time to write down those special qualities that make you love them so much.

  • You make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
  • You are an incredible husband / wife / father / mother / boyfriend / girlfriend.
  • You have a lovely peachy bottom!
  • You make life an adventure.

4. The finish. Try ending your message with a declaration of your love:

  • All my love always...
  • Forever yours...
  • You're my everything and I'll love you forever...
  • Big kiss...