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The carnation is a universally known and loved flower. For the florist, its wide spectrum of colours and fantastic vase life make it indispensable in flower arrangements. For the recipient, it's light, sweet fragrance and pretty petal formation make it a delight for all the senses.
With a history that dates back more than 2,000 years, it's not surprising that carnations are deeply embedded in symbolism. Originating in the Mediterranean region, the flower takes its Latin name from 'Dios' (God) and 'anthos' (flower) indicating just how high a regard the carnation was held in.
The flowers were extremely popular with the ancient Romans, who used them to create wreaths and sweet smelling perfumes. They were also often depicted in religious art and for Christians became a symbol for the suffering of Christ.
While they may not be as highly revered today, carnations remain one of the best-selling cut flowers in the world.
- Scientific name: Dianthus.
- Common name: Peruvian lily, Ulster Mary or Inca lily.
- Family: Caryophyllaceae.
- Availability: All year round.
- Vase life: Approx. 14 days
- Colour range: All colours in all tones, shades and tints apart from blue and black.
These beautiful flowers are quite interesting too. Here's a few things you probably didn't know about Lilies:
The carnation is one of the world's bestselling flowers.
Carnations are the birth flower for January.
The carnation is the state flower for Ohio.
As Carnations are such wonderful flowers, you'll want them to last as long as possible. Here's how to get the most from your carnation flowers:
Re-cut the stems between the nodes and remove all foliage below the waterline.
Fill a clean vase with fresh water and add flower food. Note- stems can become slimy if stood in deep water so do not fill your vase too full.
Carefully place the flowers into the vase.
Change the water every 2-3 days and recut the stems when you do so.
Faded spray carnation heads should be removed promptly to help prolong flowering.
Top Tip:
- Tease out closed carnations by cupping the flower between thumb and forefinger and fluff gently.