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Flower Delivery North Shields - Handcrafted by a North Shields Florist
"As soon as you order is received by our florists in North Shields, your bouquet will be arranged by hand using fresh, natural flowers, ready for delivery. Interflora's excellent flower delivery North Shields is both reliable and professional, so you can trust us to deliver your gift with care. When it comes to sending flowers in North Shields, no one cares more than Interflora, and we're always looking for new way to make our services even better.
Our flower delivery North Shields understands that your gift has to arrive looking amazing and so treat each one with respect. When you've got a special occasion that needs celebrating, come direct to Interflora and one of our North Shields florists will get cracking on your gift. Send flowers in North Shields, along with wines, hampers and chocolates and really brighten someone's day. Interflora's florists in North Shields are skilled and passionate about flowers, so they know the right colour combinations to use in our North Shields flower shops to make your bouquet shine.
An interesting part of the history of North Shields in Tyne and Wear is that of the 'Wooden Dollies' tradition in which a wooden figure is placed in the town and sailors would visit it before they set sail. It was said that taking a piece of the wood with you would bring good luck and so inevitably, the first doll became damaged beyond repair and was replaced. North Shields is now on doll number five as people continue to practice this interesting tradition. Start a tradition of your own and surprise someone on a normal day with a splendid bouquet and gift from Interflora North Shields florists. Whether you've got something to celebrate or just feel like making someone smile, Interflora North Shields flower shops have it all.