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- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
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Flower Delivery Gateshead - Handcrafted by a Gateshead Florist
From sumptuous flower arrangements and bouquets, to fine chocolates, champagne and other stylish gifts making someone's day is easy with Interflora's network of expert florists. Go 'bespoke' and we'll use only the freshest seasonal blooms and our 90 years of experience to create a truly exclusive wedding day display. Or send a surprise hand-tied design with a personalised card to a loved one in as little as three hours.
Complementing iconic buildings like the Sage Gateshead and the Angel of the North, more than 20 nature reserves and country parks make urban Gateshead also popular with lovers of the great outdoors. And none is more impressive than Saltwell Park home to 55 inspiring acres of landscapes, woodland and ornamental gardens.
With so much fabulous scenery on their doorstep, our Gateshead florists are never short of creative floral ideas. Their genuine, personal service then brings them beautifully to life from the moment you place your order, right through to delivery.