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- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
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- About Interflora
Flower Delivery Mid Glamorgan - Handcrafted by a Mid Glamorgan Florist
"At Interflora, we know how much your occasion means. It could be a spectacular I love you or a simple thank you our florists will use all their experience and expertise to create fabulous bouquets that live up to the moment. And, with our seven-day freshness guarantee, you know the moment will last.
With its rolling valleys and formal gardens, there's no shortage of inspiration for our Mid-Glamorgan florists. They draw on everything from the elegant landscaped lawns of Bryngarw County Park to the wilds of the Kenfig Nature Reserve to create magical and original arrangements.
At each of our Mid-Glamorgan flower shops we work tirelessly to create bouquets that add that extra sparkle. Whether it's a traditional Welsh display of golden daffodils or something exotic, our florists can craft something special to suit you. And with our three-hour delivery service, we're ready for even the most spontaneous of surprises."