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Flower Delivery Mansfield - Handcrafted by a Mansfield Florist
Once you've decided you'd like to send a gift of flowers to someone special in Mansfield, now you need to give some thought to what to choose. The most popular flower choices are roses and lilies two stunning flower varieties that come in an array of fantastic shades. We even offer bouquets that feature an impressive combination of both.
But if you're looking for something a little more unusual, there are so many wonderful flowers to consider. The gerbera with its round daisy shape comes in some fantastic colours from pale pink through to bright orange and deep red. It's an excellent choice for an uplifting bouquet.
For more of a vintage feel, timeless classics such as the hydrangea and the sunflower create a memorable display. Whatever you choose, you can rest assured our florists in the area carry out a high level of service to meet your satisfaction, which is why we're praised for our great customer care, as four out of five customers rate our services from good to excellent.