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Flower Delivery Frome - Handcrafted by a Frome Florist
"With Interflora’s excellent network of florists in Frome, you can put your trust in us to get your charming gift delivered when you need it to be. Interflora’s local florists are the ones to count on when you wish to send amazingly beautiful flowers in Frome. Our Interflora Frome flower shops will deliver the breathtaking bouquets and gifts which are always delivered with care to your special someone.
For flower delivery Frome that is reliable, professional and gives our customers a varied range of delivery options, head for Interflora. Hand-delivered by a florist in Frome, Interflora’s bouquets are arranged using fresh flowers and a healthy dose of floral passion. With Interflora Frome flower shops, you can rely on us to get your flowers delivered just as you ordered them. Get your flowers delivered by the experts by sending flowers in Frome with Interflora.
The Frome Hoard, one of the largest-ever hoards of Roman coins, was discovered in the town of From in Somerset and is now on display to the public. The hoard of 52,500 coins dates from the 3rd century AD and was found buried in a field near the town, in a jar 14 inches below the surface. It’s remarkable what you can find if you just look a little deeper. In Interflora’s dazzling bouquets, you’ll find lots of natural fresh flowers, sweet fragrance, lush foliage and very pretty wrappings, which can all be delivered to your home through our Frome florists. Send flowers in Frome as a treat for yourself or someone you know and Interflora’s great flower delivery Frome will get it where it needs to be."