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Flower Delivery Dunfermline - Handcrafted by a Dunfermline Florist
"Dunfermline's most famous son is the entrepreneur and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie, born here back in 1835. He gave many gifts to his home town, including a free library and a public swimming baths. But his most important and impressive gift was the Pittencrieff Estate which he bought in 1903 and donated to the community to be converted into Pittencrieff Park.
If you're thinking of sending a gift to Dumfermline, we can help you with some delightful choices that are sure to be well received. You may not be sending something quite as large as Andrew Carnegie's famous gifts, but we'll make sure what you do choose arrives in style, looks fantastic and makes the right impact on the person you want to spoil. Take a look at our latest selection of gorgeous flowers, attractive plants and delectable food gifts.