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Lily Free Bouquets

Send a beautiful lily free bouquet today for a surprise they won't soon forget. All of our bespoke bouquets are beautifully wrapped in eco-friendly packaging too!

One-of-a-kind bouquets are the perfect way to remember that special day.

  • Designed and created exclusively for you by our local artisan florists
  • Delivered by hand

Send personalised flowers to your loved one and trust our florists to make it even more special


We love lilies but they can be tricky blooms. Their scent isn’t for everyone, their pollen can set some people’s allergies off and they can be harmful to our furry friends – especially cats.

That’s why we offer all sorts of lily-free arrangements. Our florists will choose the freshest seasonal stems, not a single lily, and create a bouquet bursting with beauty. They can usually deliver the same day or next day too.

P.S. Don’t be fooled by the Peruvian lily, more commonly known as alstroemeria, despite the name they’re not lilies and aren’t toxic to cats or dogs.

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Lily Free Bouquets FAQs

  • Allergy Consideration: They are a thoughtful choice when sending flowers to someone with lily allergies, ensuring that the recipient can enjoy the bouquet without any concerns about allergic reactions.
  • Inclusivity: Lily-free bouquets are inclusive and suitable for a wide range of recipients, making them a safe and considerate option for various occasions.
  • Pet-Friendly: Lily-free bouquets are also pet-friendly, as certain lily varieties are toxic to cats. Choosing lily-free arrangements ensures the safety of pets in the recipient's household.

Yes, you can include a personalised message or greeting card with your lily-free bouquet gift. This allows you to convey your sentiments, well wishes, or special message to the recipient.

Lily-free bouquets can feature a diverse selection of flowers, depending on the florist's inventory and the desired style of the arrangement. Common flower choices include roses, tulips, daisies, orchids, sunflowers, and more.